Software Development Process Mining
for your
Personal Software Process

A platform for software process mining, IDE analytics, development compliance and best practices validation.

How it Works

It's a simple 3 steps process: Register, Integrate and Analyze...


Fill in the form with your details. You will get an email with procedures needed to integrate with Eclipse.


Goto your IDE environment and add a new plug-in by using the link provided in the registration email and start feeding data.


Login to the Portal and start immediately to visualize, analyze and take decisions based on your own data.


Software process mining, development best practices and much more...

IDE Plugins

Make it available on your IDE Environment(Eclipse, IntelliJ and PyCharm) and see results within minutes.

Event Streaming Collection

Quickly start to get development events and store them locally or stream them to your own Azure Event Hub or Kafka accounts.

Pre-built dashboards

Download and Run our Dashboards Docker image and start to analyze your development process within minutes.

Process Discovery

Discovery process flows, bottlenecks and deviations.

Conformance Checking

Validate the process you have to follow when developing.


Improve the quality of your products by understand where to keep the focus on.

Want to play with it? Subscribe now!

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